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Legal Notice

The Stichting CHARLES BOONZAAIJER FOUNDATION has been established on the 03-10-2022 by the late Karel Harm (Charles) Boonzaaijer to maintain and protect his home, the national monument Vossiusstraat 15 in Amsterdam after his death. The Foundation is the heir of the monument and its classical interiors and collection of art as well as most of the remaining estate of the late Charles Boonzaaijer as soon as an cultural ANBI is granted. The application for an ANBI-status has been made in January 2023.


Name, Fiscal number and contact:

Name: Stichting Charles Boonzaaiker Foundation

KvK number: 87769344

RSIN/fiscal number: 864400494

Contact: Vossiusstraat 15, 1071 AC Amsterdam



Board and Names of the board members:

Charles Boonzaaijer Foundation has a board of maximal 3 Board members, current member are:

Voorzitter/Chairman: Mr. M.W. Markoetter

Secretary/Secretaris: Ms. H.M. de Beijer-Boonzaaijer

CFO/penningmeester: Ms. A.S.H. de Lugt

2023 by Stichting Charles Boonzaaijer Foundation

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